My work depicts a complex and multiple reality. Because it is part of a moving process it can be observed from different angles and perspectives. The look becomes polymorphic.
My pictorial space expands from color to material, beyond the frame to the wall and its surroundings. It oscillates continuously between the second and third dimension. It contracts and expands. This constant back and forth between expansion and contraction enables a physical experience. The pictorial object becomes corporeal.
The transparency of materials defines the border between fullness and emptiness, material and form, inside and outside. Through the movement of the viewer, the work appears as a whole. It takes on a holistic existence.
The shapes and surfaces, whether real or imaginary, take form in the imagination. Through the physical and mental experience, the pictural elements become real.
In my eyes, the painting should not just explain itself. It is first and foremost a living experience, that one makes with their own body.
By presenting the pictural space as an in/material substance and continously transforming it into a moving process, the painting becomes closer to us. Perhaps it allows us to immerse into a special contemplation; that of the Inner life.